(650) 703-6607

Sabah, Maylasia



“Sabah, Malaysia is in the north eastern end of Borneo, a big island with 1/4 of it's northern part belonging to Malaysia and the lower 3/4 belonging to Indonesia.

I visited that part of the world in January 2007.

I had every reason not to visit the lower eastern coast of Malaysia's Sabah state: rumours of cannibalism, pirate attacks, as well as the kidnapping of 12 U.S. citizens in 2001. But the promise of a beauty unlike any I had ever seen changed my mind. The south eastern tip of Sabah and its neighboring islands is a tropical paradise. Even though my heart pounded with anxiety as our boat ventured through unprotected waters, it's the rush of our enthusiasm to see the life of the indigenous people that keeps us going.